Create an off-canvas menu and module that slides in and out of the page, which is perfect for creating mobile navigations.


04 animation modes

  • 1: Slide - The off-canvas slides out and overlays the content. This is the default mode.
  • 2: Push - The off-canvas slides out and pushes the site.
  • 3: Reveal - The off-canvas slides out and reveals its content while pushing the site.
  • 4: None - The off-canvas appears and overlays the content without an animation.

02 menu styles

  • 1: Default
  • 2: Primary

More options:

  • 1: Flip off-canvas to the right side.
  • 2: Display the off-canvas together with an overlay.
  • 3: Close the off-canvas when the Esc key is pressed.
  • 4: Module - You can pick a module inside offcanvas bar content.